Robert as Sigmund Freud in FREUD'S LAST SESSION

Robert Bergman


Robert Bergman has portrayed Sigmund Freud in three ShrinkRapt productionsTHE FREUD-JUNG LETTERS, adapted by Lee Roloff, with Lee as Jung; OF PHILOSOPHERS AND MADMEN by Askay and Farquar; and in FREUD'S LAST SESSION by Mark St. Germain.


Robert played Oedipus in OEDIPUS AT COLONUS for the Alliance Theater Group, and was Jasper in NANA SOPHIA'S OASIS. He portrayed Viktor Frankl in ShrinkRapt's production of TIMELESS NIGHT.


A senior psychoanalyst and teacher, Dr. Bergman is also a poet, memoir writer, and author of Mindless Psychoanalysis and Selfless Self Psychology.